Our partners
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The IUT de Chartres from which AILEC is derived and which remains closely linked to its functioning. Some students of the Electrical Engineering and Industrial Computing (GE&II) department work, during their course, on AILEC projects. |
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Chartres Metroplole, is an intercommunal grouping of 46 municipalities including the city of Chartres. It brings together 125,751 inhabitants. Chartres Métropole actively supports us for our Eletroplane project. |
The Crédit Agricole Val de France comprises two french departments: Eure&Loir and Loir&Cher; totaling 730,000 inhabitants. Approximately 1,219 employees assist and advise Crédit Agricole Val de France clients in 113 local branches. Crédit Agricole Val de France finances us on our ULM development projects with electric motorization! |
The Dezing'Eure et Loir, a non-profit organization, is dedicated to the preservation of the aeronautical heritage and its conservation in state of flight. The Dezing'Eure welcome us and host the electroplane in their premises at the Chartres aerodrome. |
L'Association pour la Promotion des Echelles Volantes (The Association for the Promotion of Flying Ladders, APEV) supports the projects around the microlights developed by Daniel DALBY, such as our Demoichellec. |
Le Club de vol à voile de Chartres (The gliding club of Chartres, C.V.V.C.) is an association affiliated to the French Federation of Gliding. The association supervises the glider practice on the Chartres aerodrome: discovery flights, pilot liscence preparation and competition trainings. The CVVC participates in several competitions each year and won numerous titles. The association supports us by hosting some of our projects. |
L'association nationale des officiers de réserve de l'armée de l'air (ANORAA) carries the values of solidarity, perseverance and dedication, and forms a vector of communication towards the air force. The ANORAA signed an agreement with AILEC and the IUT of Chartres in order to promote the aeronautics to young people through concrete projects. |
Le Réseau du Sport de l'Air (RSA Federation, The Air Sports Network) brings together amateur aircraft manufacturers. During its annual meeting in Vichy in 2013, the RSA awarded us the Ecological Aviation Trophy. |
La Fédération Française de Planeur Ultra légers Motorisés (FFPLUM, The French Federation of Ultra Light Motorized Glider) is the French federation of ULM. Through its consistency, it has defended what is the strength of the ULM today: a responsible practice that allows a lighter administrative framework. This feature allows us to innovate by developing new flying machines. In addition, a Sustainable Development Commission was set up in 2013, chaired by Christian PICCIOLI (representing FFPLUM region PACA), in which Bruno Sohier, President of AILEC, sits. |
Les Vieux Deb’s is a non-profit association which brings together enthusiasts pilots of the ULM history for the preservation and the enhancement of its historical heritage. they co-organized with us twice the e-Fly'In meeting in Champrond-en-Gâtine. |