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The Pulmchellec is a pendulum ULM. The structure has been realised on mechanical drawing, on the PULMA2000 model from the APPULMA. The electrical motorisation and instrumentation has been designed by the GEII departement of the IUT of Chartres.
After the first flight of the Demoichellec, we wished realise a new electrical ULM. As the Parawatt was not enought powerfull for the Demoichellec we looked for a lighter aircraft requiring less power in order to use this motor.
Our choice was directed to a PULMA (French acronym for auxiliary engines ultrlight gilder) built with a pendulum trolley and a deltaplane wing. The APPULMA is a French Association which have designed these ULM. The mechanical Drawing of The PULMA2000 is given directly by the APPULMA (see
The Pulmchellec construction
This is a trolley, simple to realize, made with deltaplane tubes and AU4G machined pieces. This is a low coast ULM which are very stable and safe during flights. The trolley has been designed for a 20CV motorization (SOLO210).
This construction has been realised in the GEII departement of the IUT of Chartres from September 2012 to June 2013.
Motorization tests has been first realized in order to validate the electrical drivetrain.
20Ah Lithium-Iron Batteries are assembled in a pack and were placed in a bracket under the pilot seat.
Specific instrumentation has been developed. The Pulmchellec is now ready for its first rolling tests.
The Pulmchellec Flight